I want you to take a minute and think back to your childhood. What did you do in your spare time?
Now think of your kids, nieces and nephews, how do they spend their time? I would guess that our kids spend way more time inside than we ever did. You may, in the recent past, have even caught yourself using technology as a barging chip to get things done around the house when our parents used playing outside as theirs.
Do you have to tell your kids to turn off the TV, iPad, computer or video games and convince them to go outside and play? Isn't it sad how times have changed?
When I was a child I remember my mother having to call us from all over the neighborhood. I loved to play and be outside it didn't matter the weather. Many of my earliest memories involved me playing outside with my sisters and cousins. I LOVED puddle jumping and dancing in the rain in the Spring, building snowmen and forts in the Winter, climbing trees, riding bikes, swimming and making "mud pies" in the Summer and in the Fall raking huge piles of leaves and jumping in. I enjoyed exploring and seeing new things. I loved picking up Samara Seeds or "twirly birds" and throwing them in the air, watching them fly back to earth. While staying up late with my granddad watching meteor showers was a special treat.
I loved to play and while I played I exercised without even knowing what I was doing. As I think back to my childhood and then look at kids today it kind of reminds me of the Disney movie Wall-E. We need to "unplug", get moving and just go outside! This is true for us as adults as well as our children. So, how can we make exercise fun? Use your imagination! Let yourself revert back to your childhood, go outside, enjoy the beautiful weather and have fun.
Fun Outdoor Ideas:
1. Homemade Bubbles 2.Outdoor Games: Hopscotch, Hide-n-Seek Kick the Can, etc. 4. Family Bike Rides 6. Family Water Fight 7. Picnic on the Lawn 8. Family "Track and Field" Day 9. Plant a family Garden 10. Run through the Sprinklers 11. Play Soccer, Baseball, or Volleyball 12. Go Swimming
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