Dr Seuss's Birthday! ~ Welcome Baby

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dr Seuss's Birthday!

I spent the morning celebrating Dr Seuss's birthday with Mr. Steve, United Way and KBYU 11. We had  green eggs and ham for breakfast, sang songs about "Gravity" and "Someday" and most importantly, discussed how literacy effects, not only children, but our entire community.

Did you know, by the third grade, a child's reading level proficiency is a strong determinant of that child's likelihood to graduate from high school? United Way has a program to help us help our community, Everyday Learners, and they are looking for volunteers.

 Everyday Learners are people in our community that make education a top priority in their own lives and for our community. There are so many ways we can be an Everyday Learner. Maybe you read to your children before they go to bed or you may help a niece or nephew with their homework in the afternoons. Some might volunteer at the local elementary school during reading time or hold summer Shakespeare plays for the children in their neighborhood. United Way would love to know about the different things we are doing to be Everyday Learners and want to reach their goal of 10,000 Everyday Learners  for Utah County. To participate, click on Everyday Learners to link to United Ways webpage and find out more on how you can help the children of our community!

P.S. In celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday here are a few ideas of things you can do today with your own children or kids in your neighborhood.

1. Have a Dr. Seuss reading party
2. Make special treats to celebrate his birthday, I found a few fun ideas on "Good Life Eats" blog.
3. Watch the Cat in the Hat-a-thon on PBS kids, kbyu tv channel 11 today!
4. Go to the Dr Seuss webpage to explore the many worlds of Dr Seuss with your children.

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